How to Grow Your Business with Email Marketing

Did you know email marketing has an ROI of 4200%? Many companies generate $42 for every dollar invested in email marketing. According to Salecycle, 50% of people make purchases at least once a month from marketing emails! Knowing this, it’s no secret that a proper email marketing strategy can help your business yield huge returns

Small and large businesses can use email marketing to engage with current and potential customers. Email is not only used to sell but to educate, nurture, inspire, and guide your customer through their journey. 


Let's look at some email marketing tips to help you better connect with your audience and scale your revenue.

1. Define your target audience. 

The digital era demands individualized messages from businesses in order to be successful. Many customers are time-pressed - no one wants to read generic emails that don't provide enough information or speak to their specific persona. 

When you know who you're trying to reach, it's easier to craft email messages that are relevant to them. When sending personalized content, be very clear on what you’re communicating to that segment and why. This sounds obvious, but you’d be surprised by how many companies complicate this. Determine your consumer's interests, motivations, pain points, and preferences to identify what messages need to be sent to which segments.

Once you define who your segments are, it’s helpful to have a list of value props regarding your product or service and apply content accordingly. 

2. Build a Long-Term Relationship 

Email is the way to go if you want to create a long-term relationship with your consumers. In fact, 74% of marketers use email marketing for customer retention. You can track engagement with your subscribers and send timely messages to keep in touch and increase retention.

Here are a few ways to increase retention through email:

  • Giving discounts on birthdays

  • Sending product updates based on purchase history

  • Following up with loyalty program details 

  • Send an automatic email to subscribers who haven't purchased in a long time. (Ex. Remind them of items left in their carts and offer a discount to make purchasing a little easier.)

  • Create a monthly newsletter in which you offer relevant content to your clients on a regular basis. This keeps them informed and makes interacting with your business a habit. 

3. Offer Value 

Every business wants to make more profit. It doesn't, however, mean that your email campaigns should focus on profits over value. After all, it’s a two way street. 

Every day, a subscriber’s inbox is full of offers from different businesses. Subscribers get about 121 emails daily. Hence, when the content isn't useful to the recipient, they will most likely not click or read it.

If you want your emails to be worth clicking, send high-quality content that your target audience can relate to. They should also have interesting subject lines, and the design should be free of clutter as well as align with your brand. 

Ways to offer value through email: 

  • Educate the subscriber on your product or on your industry. (Ex. If you have eco-friendly products, try educating them on the importance of shopping eco-friendly.)

  • Offer a guide, a relevant tip, or checklist.

  • Give helpful suggestions for this particular audience that aren’t always centered around your product or service alone.

  • Update the subscriber on new products, services or company changes.

4. Solving problems via email 

Most businesses feature a section devoted to answering frequently asked questions in their websites because the same set of queries might be asked over and over again. It's possible to go the extra mile and write a blog post, hold a webinar, or do anything to talk about these problems. Customers may call your company's customer service team if those basic questions aren't answered immediately, which costs money by taking up valuable time. 


Request a list of the most frequently asked questions from your customer service reps, and then write an email content that sums up both the question and the answer in one place. 


Email marketing is a popular and successful method of reaching customers all around the world. It may take some time for you to figure out the best ways to engage your customers, but once you do, your business will reap the benefits.


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