How to Reduce Your Email Bounce Rate

Email marketing is an effective way to reach out to your target audience and promote your brand, but if you’re not careful, your email campaigns may not reach your customers at all.  Email bounces occur when emails are sent but not delivered to recipients due to technical issues or other factors. According to data from Campaign Monitor, the average bounce rate is 2%. If your bounce rate is higher, it can negatively impact your email marketing efforts. We’ll explore what an email bounce rate is, why it matters, and ways to reduce email bounce rates to ensure your campaigns are successful.


What is an Email Bounce Rate?

In simple terms, an email bounce rate refers to the percentage of emails that are not delivered to their intended recipients.

Here’s how you can calculate bounce rates: (Number of Bounced Emails / Number of Emails Sent) x 100

Bounces occur when your email is categorized by the recipient’s server as undeliverable, whether it’s because the email address is invalid or because of technical issues with the recipient’s email server. There are two types of bounces:  hard bounces and  soft bounces.

A hard bounce occurs when the email is permanently undeliverable and usually happens when the email address is invalid or no longer exists. A soft bounce is a temporary issue that makes the email undeliverable at that moment. The typical reasons for soft bounces include a full inbox or a problem with the recipient's email server. So, if you have a soft bounce rate of 2% or less, it’s likely nothing to worry about.

Why Bounce Rates are Important to Monitor 

Monitoring your email bounce rates is crucial for the success of your email campaigns. Firstly, high bounce rates can significantly impact your email deliverability rate and sender reputation. When you have a large number of bounces, it sends a signal to your email service provider that your email may not be reaching the intended recipients. This can result in your emails being flagged as spam or ending up in the recipient’s junk folder instead of their primary inbox.

Secondly, when your emails bounce frequently, internet service providers are more likely to view your email as spammy. This can further harm your sender reputation and decrease the chances of your future emails reaching the inbox. It’s important to maintain a good sender reputation to ensure your emails consistently land in the primary inbox of your recipients. 


Excessive bounce rates can have serious consequences for your email campaigns. In some cases, email service providers may decide to shut down your campaigns if they detect a high number of bounces. Additionally, if your bounce rates remain consistently high, it can lead to your email account being blacklisted. This can severely impact your ability to send emails in the future and can be extremely challenging to counteract. 

By diligently monitoring and taking necessary actions to reduce bounce rates, you can protect the deliverability and reputation of your email campaigns, ensuring that your messages reach the intended recipients’ inboxes effectively. 

Examples of Ways to Reduce Email Bounce Rates

  1. Keep your email list clean and updated: Ensure that you are always updating your email list by removing invalid or inactive email addresses, duplicates, and misspelled emails. Moreover, segment your email list according to your customers’ preferences and demographics. 

  2. Verify emails: Verifying emails regularly ensures that you reduce the chances of sending emails to invalid addresses. Utilize a reliable email verification service that can remove and validate emails on your list.

  3. Use a double opt-in system: In a double opt-in system, a user subscribes first by entering their email. Then a follow-up email is sent to the person to confirm the subscription. This ensures that the email address is correct and the user is interested in your content.

  4. Craft responsive email content: Your emails should be cohesive, visually pleasing, and relevant. Include personalized content to make the recipients feel that they are being individually catered to. 

  5. Avoid risky content: Stay away from spammy subject lines or phrases like “buy now” that can trigger spam filters or make recipients unwilling to open your email.


Reducing your email bounce rates is crucial to ensure the success of your email marketing campaigns. Remember  to keep your email lists clean, verify email addresses, use a double opt-in system, craft responsive email content, and avoid risky content. Following the tips above can increase your email deliverability rate, improve your sender reputation, and help you maintain a thriving email strategy.

If you’re looking for expert guidance to optimize your email marketing strategy and maintain low bounce rates, we can help with that. Our team of mavens are here to take your email marketing to the next level and maximize your ROI. All you have to do is book your free call with us today!


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