How to Test Send Times in Klaviyo

Email marketing remains an integral part of the customer engagement strategy for eCommerce businesses. One crucial element is timing, as it dramatically impacts email open rates, click-through rates, and ultimately, sales. Knowing when to send your emails is a puzzle every marketer faces, and A/B testing can provide valuable insights. 

For those utilizing Klaviyo to power their email campaigns, we’ll guide you through the process of testing the best send times for your audience. This guide uses a combination of best practices and the features available within Klaviyo to ensure you’re sending your emails at the moments most impactful to your unique customer base.

woman creating email campaigns

Understanding the Science of Email Send Times

Before you start testing, it’s essential to grasp the underlying principles of email send times. Consumer behavior trends and lifestyle patterns greatly influence when someone is likely to open an email. Here’s what you need to consider:

  • Day of the Week: Different industries may vary, but Klaviyo reports that  weekdays –specifically Thursday and Friday –tend to be the best days for deliverability and engagement.

  • Time of Day: Peak engagement hours often correspond with lunch breaks or early evenings. However, this can vary widely based on your audience’s time zone and daily routine. 

  • Changes Over Time: While trends can guide you, every audience is unique, and it’s essential to monitor and adapt your strategy over time.

Ensuring your email lands in the inbox at the most opportune moment can significantly improve its chances of being opened and acted upon. 

Preparing for Your A/B Test in Klaviyo

To start testing, you need to frame a clear hypothesis. What are your assumptions regarding the best times? Also, define your key performance indicators (KPIs). Will you be measuring open rates, click-through rates, or conversion rates? It could be a combination, but remain focused on what determines success for your campaign goals. 

doing A/B test in Klaviyo

Here’s a step-by-step process to get you ready for your A/B test: 

Step 1: Identify Your Test Group

Who will receive your test emails? Make sure your test control groups are randomly selected from your whole audience to ensure the results are not biased towards a particular segment. 

Step 2: Define the Variables

For the best test setup, decide on a single variable to test. In this case, we’re focusing on send times. Ensure consistency in all other aspects of the email to isolate the impact of the send time. 

Step 3: Set a Clear Objective 

What do you want to learn from this test? Having a clear objective keeps your test focused and your insights valuable. 

Step 4: Create the Test Campaign in Klaviyo

Navigate to your Klaviyo account, create a new campaign, select the A/B testing feature, and choose to test the timing. The platform will guide you through segmenting your send time options and setting your test parameters. 

Running Your A/B Test 

With the groundwork laid, it’s time to actually run the test. You’ll run two groups concurrently, each sent at a different time, and track the performance against your defined KPIs.

Follow these steps to execute your test:

Step 1: Create Your Variants

In Klaviyo, develop two different email variants for your test. You can use the same content but adjust the send time, or you can make minor content changes if your hypothesis includes content timing. 

Step 2: Choose Your Sample Size and Confidence Level

Decide what percentage of your audience will receive the test emails. Klaviyo allows you to test a small portion to minimize risk if you’re unsure about a drastic change. 

Step 3: Monitor and Wait for Results

Once your test is live, monitor the performance of each variant closely. Klaviyo will track open rates, click-through rates, and other key engagement metrics in real-time.

Analyzing Results and Adapting Your Strategy

After your campaign has been fully delivered, analyze the results of your A/B test. Look for statistical significance–Klaviyo will indicate whether the test results are meaningful or just a random fluctuation. 

If your test is conclusive, adapt your strategy accordingly. Implement the new send time for future campaigns, or use it as a baseline for further optimization. Remember, consumer behavior changes, so periodic reevaluation is key. 

Additional Considerations and Best Practices

  • Continuously Test: A/B testing shouldn’t be a one-time event; it should be a part of your regular email marketing strategy. Run tests on different segments, engagement types, and call-to-action messages to create a robust send-time strategy. 

  • Maintain a Clean Email List: Your testing is only as good as the quality of your list. Ensure you’re regularly cleaning inactive users and nurturing active ones to get accurate results. 

  • Segment Wisely: If you notice a substantial difference in engagement times for different segments of your audience, don’t hesitate to create separate strategies. One send time may not fit all. 

  • Leverage Automation: Kalviyo offers powerful automation features that can help send emails at optimal times based on each recipient’s behavior. Use these to supplement your manual A/B tests. 

Incorporate these insights and practices into your email marketing strategy. By repetitively testing send times with Klaviyo’s tools, you’ll be able to make data-driven decisions that resonate with your customers and achieve better campaign performance. Remember, the key to successful A/B testing is not just running the test but also applying what you’ve learned to continuously optimize your approach.

woman creating an email marketing strategy


The strategic timing of your email campaigns is a vital component in maximizing engagement and achieving your marketing goals. By integrating A/B testing into your regular email strategy, keeping your subscriber list clean and segmented, and leveraging the automation tools available in Klaviyo, you can ensure that your emails reach your audience when they are most likely to engage. Remember, the landscape of digital marketing is always evolving. Staying adaptable and continuously refining your strategy based on data-driven insights will keep you ahead of the game and contribute significantly to the success of your email marketing efforts. 

At Strategy Maven Agency, we understand that navigating the complexities of email marketing strategy and A/B testing can be daunting. That’s why we have a team of expert strategists ready to help you test, analyze, and optimize your email campaigns to ensure peak performance. Interested in taking your email marketing to the next level? Book a free call with us and explore how we can contribute to your success.


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