Subscription Success: Building Recurring Revenue for CPG Brands

When running a business, the primary goal is to maintain a healthy bottom line. But the question that arises here is, how can businesses increase their revenue consistently? One of the most prevalent methods is to offer a product that generates recurring revenue. Recurring revenue is revenue obtained from regular customers who are subscribed to a product or service. A reliable way of achieving this is through subscription models. In this blog post, we’ll dive into building a recurring revenue stream for CPG brands and how subscription models can drive growth.

Recurring Revenue Explained

Recurring revenue refers to a consistent and predictable stream of income that businesses generate on a regular basis. This type of revenue typically comes from subscriptions, memberships, or contractual agreements. The key advantage of having a recurring revenue stream is the stability it provides. This steady income allows businesses to better forecast their revenue for future months and strategically plan for growth. 

To understand the full impact of recurring revenue, let’s look at how to calculate it. Calculating recurring revenue involves multiplying the total revenue generated from subscriptions by the average lifespan of a customer. This calculation helps businesses understand the value and potential growth of their recurring revenue stream. By tracking recurring revenue over time, companies gain insights into the success and progression of their business. It allows them to assess the effectiveness of their strategies, identify areas for improvement, and make informed decisions to drive further growth. 

In summary, recurring revenue offers financial stability and predictability to businesses, helping them plan for the future. By accurately calculating and tracking this revenue, companies can measure their growth and make data-driven decisions to optimize their performance. 

The Subscription Model Strategy

Subscription models have gained immense popularity as a recurring revenue strategy for CPG (consumer packaged goods) brands. Successful companies like Dollar Shave Club, Harry’s, and Birchbox have proven the effectiveness of these models. By offering exclusive content, early product access, discounts, or even faster delivery compared to competitors, these services provide numerous benefits to subscribers. 

For instance, Dollar Shave Club offers a subscription model where customers receive regular shipments of razors and grooming products directly to their doorstep. This not only ensures a steady stream of revenue for the company but also provides convenience and cost savings for customers who no longer need to worry about running out of shaving essentials. 

Similarly, Birchbox offers a beauty subscription service where customers receive a curated selection of beauty and skincare products each month. This not only introduces customers to new products but also creates a sense of excitement and anticipation with each delivery, keeping them engaged and loyal to the brand. 

By leveraging the subscription model, CPG brands can establish a loyal customer base. Once customers sign up for these services, they are more likely to stay subscribed for an extended period, even beyond what they initially paid for. This presents an opportunity for brands to upsell additional products or introduce new offerings, further increasing their revenue. Additionally, the longer customer lifetime value resulting from subscription models provides a valuable asset for any company, as it ensures ongoing revenue and establishes a strong foundation for growth.

Leveraging Expert Help for Success

Building your subscription program can be challenging in such a competitive landscape. It involves creating and testing various marketing strategies. You need to dedicate specific campaigns to speak to the value of the subscription, and that’s where expert help can be extremely effective. In the case of email marketing, your subscription campaign’s success depends on the quality of the content, the design, and the email strategy.  That’s where we come in. As an experienced team of strategists, designers, and copywriters, we can create high-quality content that will help convert contacts on your email list into subscription members of your brand’s products. Book a free call to learn more about our services.

Examples of Subscription Emails:

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Building a recurring revenue stream using a subscription model is a reliable and easy way to scale your business. It is also essential for boosting customer loyalty and brand equity. Using expert help to implement this marketing strategy can help ensure its success. Subscription-based business models have revolutionized the way businesses interact with their customers. By incorporating them, CPG brands can re-engage consumers, drive revenue, and expand their customer base. In the end, the key is to produce high-quality products that customers want to keep buying and that generate recurring revenue for your brand. 


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