5 Steps to Creating a Lead Nurturing Campaign

Are you ready to set up a killer lead nurturing campaign? The way you set up your campaign will make a huge impact on whether or not your target audience buys into your product or service. This nurture sequence should be personal, targeted, customized, and valuable to the reader.

Here are 5 simple steps to ensuring you’re creating an effective lead nurturing campaign:

1. Set a clear goal.

Doing this helps you to define your "why" behind each send.

You want there to be a purpose behind your content so that there is value being offered to your potential client. Whether it is educational, entertaining, promotional or an offer, you want to provide value so that the recipient is clicking through and engaging with your Call to Action.

2. Select specific buyer personas.

This will allow you to personalize the context of your messaging so that the person receiving the message gets value.


Personalizing is not just using a name in the email subject or body. Personalizing is understanding what content the person you are sending to will find valuable. You can’t send valuable content if you have no idea who it is you are sending it to.

3. Create tailored content.

No one wants to receive content that doesn’t speak to them or hit their pain points. Make sure you are sending customized content to your buyer personas.

Once you know who it is you are sending to, you can then provide value by creating content that speaks to where they are in their journey.

4. Identify the timeline.

This helps you establish when these touchpoints need to be triggered and for how long.

Whether it is email or SMS it is important to take a step back and look at all the points in which this person is being contacted and make sure it makes sense and flows well together. You don’t want to bombard your subscriber with insane amounts of contact and give them a bad experience. It is all about the experience. Create a cadence that makes sense considering other touchpoints in the overall marketing strategy.

5. Measure and improve.

This is extremely vital to evaluate your testing and making adjustments to better fit your audience.

Review your data and let it speak to you. Your data will tell you whether or not your content is resonating or your timing is off. Pay attention to what you are seeing and make adjustments accordingly.

We know this can be overwhelming at times. Feel free to reach out to us if you’re struggling with your email workflow and sequences.


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