Email Marketing DON’TS

Email marketing is a valuable tool for building your business and increasing revenue. In fact, this marketing channel has one of the best ROI, beating most other channels.

Here are some dos and don’ts to your email marketing.

1. DON'T bucket everyone into one bulk segment or list.

DO segment into buyer persona and where that person is in their buyer journey.

Segmenting your list will allow you to send your subscribers exactly what they want and need for where they are in their buyer journey. It will also allow you to collect proper data on how many people are in each bucket and how each bucket is performing. Having this information will help you better develop your email marketing content. Most email marketing platforms should easily allow you to segment your contacts.


2. DON'T send broad content that doesn't relate to who the receiver is and their interests.

DO personalize as much as possible.

After you have your list segmented - building your content will be easier. What you create to send to your cold audience, people who are new to your list will be different from what you create to send to a past customer (older subscriber). For example, tagging your new subscribers into new subscriber segments will allow you to funnel them through a welcome series before getting regular communications from you. This will allow your subscriber to get to know your brand on a more personal level and connect with you. Being able to do this will also give you the opportunity to set expectations early and hear from the subscriber how and when they want to hear from you.

3. DON'T send lengthy emails that are hard to navigate to find important information.

DO provide valuable content that each segment will find relevant and helpful for where they are in their buyer journey.

Depending on what your business or product is most subscribers don’t want a novel of information. I said “depending” because there may be rare situations where that is exactly the case. For example, a medical journal subscription. However, in MOST cases, the reader isn’t going to have the time to navigate through your email to find the information they need or want for that matter.

It is great to set up a funnel right at the beginning of your email marketing process or if you are in the process of cleaning up your methods. Using tags, triggers, and CRM tools can help you segment lists into buyer personas.

Doing so makes it easy for you to keep your lists organized and ensure the subscriber will be given the information they are looking for. We hope this helps!


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