Email Marketing: The Ultimate Missed Opportunity

There are many ways email marketing can help grow your business. Implementing an email marketing strategy can not only help you acquire new clients but, can also help you nurture the clients you have.

People often disregard email marketing as a way to bring in new hot leads. You can easily do this by setting up a lead magnet.


For example:

—> Create a how-to or helpful tip guide for your product or service that offers value to your ideal audience. Make it something that your target audience will find useful and want to get by subscribing to your email list.

—> Once you create this digital tool, you can then have this tool set up on your website or google drive.

—> Create a landing page on your website with a form that captures important information.

—> Once someone completes the form, they get an immediate email with the downloadable item you created, and you can now keep in touch with this person on a very personal level.

 *don’t forget to add your opt-in boxes and confirmation email follow-ups.

You can check out an example of this here: Email Marketing Platforms Comparison Guide.

Keep in mind the importance of having your “subscribe” link everywhere on your site and social profiles so that when someone comes across your content and wants to hear more from you, they can easily find your email subscription link to do so.

Amy and I have our newsletter subscription box at the bottom of every page on our website. When someone signs up for our newsletter, they go into our “newsletter list.” From there, they are bucketed into segments based on interest. We do this to know why these people signed up, which will help us deliver content to them that they will find valuable.

The landing page we included in the link above is set up a little differently. When someone signs up for a specific digital item we created, they will go into a different segmented list. For example, we have three digital tools, an Audit Your Social Media Strategy GuideUnderstanding Digital Marketing And How It Works, and the Email Marketing Platforms Comparison Guide. Each digital tool has its own landing page and a segment connected accordingly. When someone signs up for each tool, they will be in that particular segmented list; again, this is, so we know how to serve value to those subscribers better.

Some companies have had an email list for a long time and may simply not be utilizing these lists to their full capacity.

One of the biggest missed opportunities in email marketing is list segmentation.

Drill down your list segmentation as much as possible as it relates to your business, buyer persona, and customer buyer journey. Doing so will allow you to speak more directly to each segment and personalize your email content to fit what that segment wants and needs.


For example, if you are an online product brand, you can segment your list based on purchase frequency, product interests, location, and even segment that list based on the buyer frequency.

The more you can segment (in a way that makes the most sense for your brand), the more personalized you can get in your content and messaging.

Data from DMA stated that Segmented campaigns could lead to a 760% increase in revenue.

According to Chadwick Martin Bailey, 56% of people unsubscribe from emails due to content that’s no longer relevant to them.

Paid ads are amazing and needed. However, don’t lose sight of what tools you may already have in your arsenal that you aren’t yet utilizing fully.

Be strategic!

If you have any questions or want to talk through any current email challenges, reach out to us. We would be happy to help!


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