Spring Email Subject Line Ideas (E-Commerce Edition)

Spring is almost here! If you’re an e-commerce brand, you’re probably trying to think of catchy email subject line ideas to ensure you get high open rates. Now, before we get into some of our favorite spring-inspired subject lines, we would like to highlight the importance of your email content.

In the long run, your open rate is not the most important KPI you should be tracking. Yes, we know this is a bit controversial. Think about it, your open rate is just an indication of how enticing your subject line was. However, if you’re content does not match the expectations of the subject line, you’ll lose the reader’s trust. After all, isn’t the goal of your email to get them to click through and purchase? That’s why we like to focus on the CTR to measure performance.

Before you go to select an enticing subject line, make sure your content matches and is personally geared towards the audience group you are targeting in your email campaign. We’ll stop blabbing now, here are our 5 subject line picks for this Spring!

Spring email subject lines

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