How to Find the Right Email Marketing Agency For You

Email outperforms all other marketing channels, generating $37 for every $1 invested. Are you surprised? 

Even though email marketing has the potential to generate a significant amount of revenue, it is not without challenges. You must understand which email tools are the most effective, how to use them so that you do not end up in spam folders, and how to create emails that ultimately convert.

It can be overwhelming even for fully-staffed marketing teams.


That’s where email marketing agencies come in as they are ideal for overcoming these obstacles. They understand how to use the tools and run large-scale email campaigns. They can also screen your brand and offer great revenue-generating campaigns.

If you are thinking of hiring an email marketing agency, you must understand how essential it is to choose the right one to do the job for you. Here’s what you need to know to find the right email marketing agency for you.

Characteristics that Make An Email Marketing Agency Great

1. Thought Leadership

Email marketing agencies that excel are constantly on top of email trends. It's ever-changing, and you don't want to work with someone who is still employing tactics from five years ago.

A simple way to determine this is to visit the agency's blog, social channels, or email list. Ask for a list of clients you can subscribe to. You should learn a lot within 20-30 minutes of consuming their content. And everything should be cutting-edge and on brand. That is a strong indication that they will apply the same tactics to your email campaigns.

2. An outstanding client portfolio

Excellent email marketing agencies did not arrive at their current level of excellence overnight. They developed successful email campaigns in collaboration with dozens or hundreds of brands.

As a result, they should have a sizable portfolio of brands and case studies that demonstrate precisely what was accomplished.

Not everything can be made public. However, when exploring your options with agencies, be sure to request examples during your initial calls. The agency should be able to provide numerous examples. If they are unable to give any, look elsewhere.

This is an excellent method for rapidly vetting agencies of all types.

3. Creates great content

Consider all of the emails you receive from other businesses.

Do you understand why you eagerly open and engage with some but immediately ignore, delete, or unsubscribe from others?

Typically, this is because you have little regard for the content of those emails. People continue to open and read because of the amazing content. Then, when you make an offer, they are receptive.


Excellent content is at the heart of any successful email strategy. Inquire as to whether they adhere to a process for creating engaging email content. The truly exceptional agencies always do.

4. Extensive experience and expertise with email marketing tools

A great email marketing partner should be able to tell you which tools and programs will work best for your business. They should also be able to list: 

  • Which are the most well-known

  • Their advantages and disadvantages

  • The list of tools to avoid

When speaking with a potential partner, pay attention to the breadth of their knowledge. They will most likely begin by suggesting a single tool. When you ask follow-up questions, they should have plenty of qualifications, nuance, and detail in their responses.

You will be able to get the impression that the agency is well-versed in this subject. If you don't, find someone who is.

5. Practices excellent company culture

By collaborating with an email marketing agency, you establish a business relationship with another business entity. Therefore, before proceeding, ensure that their company culture is compatible with yours.

Without a strong cultural fit, you may end up with an agency that just doesn’t understand your brand. A great agency should be able to pick up and embody your brand voice and all the elements that come with it.

Ensuring that their culture meshes with yours, is one way to eliminate that possibility.

6. Knows how to avoid spam

 If your domain has been heavily flagged as spam, you may require the services of an agency that specializes exclusively in reviving domains with a negative email reputation.

The majority of us do not need to travel that far. However, it would be best if you absolutely worked with an agency that understands how to avoid the spam folder and their processes for maintaining a clean ESP and the early warning signs they prefer to monitor.

You should be astounded by the breadth of their responses. If not, continue looking.

How to Find the Right Email Marketing Agency

To select an email marketing agency that is a good fit for your needs, we recommend the following steps:

  1. Make sure you understand your business's objectives and desired outcomes from email marketing.

  2. Consider the agencies described above.

  3. Choose an agency that specializes in the area in which you require assistance. Additionally, prioritize those who have worked with similar brands.

  4. Finally, keep in mind that email is a component of your digital marketing plan and thus of your content marketing strategy. As a result, it's best to choose a company that offers sufficient bandwidth for those. 

Our Two Cents

Email marketing will not be phased out anytime soon and should be an impactful part of your overall marketing strategy. Additionally, it should generate a substantial amount of revenue for you. Choosing the right agency will expedite your growth.

Even if you intend to handle email in-house, the right agency can ensure that everything is set up properly from the start. This will save your team considerable time and avoid costly errors such as having all your emails end up in the spam folder.

Book a free strategy call today!


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