Short Form Video Trends to Watch Out for this 2022

Nowadays, short-form videos are everywhere. Brands are taking notice as platforms such as TikTok, Instagram Reels, YouTube Shorts, Google, LinkedIn, and Pinterest expand their short-form offerings.

According to the HubSpot Blog's 2022 Marketing Industry Trends Survey, more than half of marketers (51%) who use short-form video intend to increase their investment in 2022. Meanwhile, 38% plan to keep investing the same amount.

And there's more: Short-form videos have the highest ROI of any social media marketing strategy, with 30% of social media marketers planning to invest more in it than any other trend in 2022.

But first, let’s get to know short-form videos!

What are Short-form Videos?

Short-form video is defined as anything less than 2 minutes and 30 seconds in length.

Short-form video content is effective on social media for two reasons: shorter attention spans and more repetitive engagement from viewers. These factors combine to make short-form videos a critical component of social media success these days.

What Role Do Short-form Videos Play in Your Content Strategy?

According to a Wyzowl 2020 study, people share videos twice the rate of any other type of content. It also discovered that 84% of people were persuaded to buy a product or service after watching a brand's video.


So, we already know that video content is becoming an increasingly important component of every brand's content marketing strategy.

The trend culture is one aspect that distinguishes short-form videos.

Aside from length, one feature that distinguishes short-form video is trend culture. For example, TikTok is powered by dances, sounds, and social challenges. So, to appear on TikTok's "For You" page, which is equivalent to Instagram's "Explore" page, brands must frequently participate in the fun.

Short-form videos provide creators with a novel way to showcase their work.

With social media being more popular, it has somehow contributed to people having a shorter attention span. As a result, leveraging the power of short-form content will put you ahead of the competition and help you engage your audience.

Short-form Video Trends to Watch Out For this 2022

1. Stop Motion Videos

Stop Motion is one of the quickest and most engaging methods of creating short-form videos. Stop motion videos are an animated technique involving taking a series of photographs and stitching them together into a single video. You take one photo, move the objects in the shot, and take another. When you have a sufficient number of images (usually 12 or more), you can stitch the photos together to create a single video clip.


2. User-Generated Content

UGC is generally well-liked by consumers. It significantly influences their purchasing decisions more than brand or influencer-generated content. Brands can publish inspirational videos without expending too many resources. Another advantage? It's inexpensive.

3. Behind-the-Brand Videos

Consumers look for brands that are authentic and transparent. You only have a few seconds to connect with your audience when using short-form video.

So, how do you proceed with that? There's no exact science behind it, but consumers are more likely to feel connected to brands that show the people behind the brand.

According to one Sprout Social study, 70% of consumers felt more connected to brands whose CEO is active on social media platforms. As a result, brands should pull back the curtain in 2022 and engage with their audiences on a more personal level.

4. More Educational or Explainer Videos

Brands will most likely focus on educational content in their short-form videos in 2022. Consider how-tos, do-it-yourself projects, and explainer videos. According to a 2020 Wyzowl report, viewers want to see more of this video style from brands.

Educational videos are excellent value-added content because they assist audiences in their daily lives. Brands that prioritize education in their marketing strategy can increase lead generation and strengthen brand loyalty. Similarly, explainer videos target users at the decision-making stage of the buyer's journey and, when done correctly, can convert decision-makers into customers.

It's a win-win situation for both parties: brands get to address their target audience's pain points and offer solutions, which are (surprise!) them.

5. Brand Challenges

Short-form videos first became popular due to viral content based on dances, songs, and sounds. Brand challenges are an excellent way to increase traffic, build community, and engage your audience. 

6. Product Teasers

Envision the average commercial you usually see: It lasts between six and sixty seconds. It is also the standard length of a short-form video. As a result, brands can use short-form video platforms to promote their products organically.

It can be highly effective because it doesn't require a large budget, it has the potential to go viral, and it creates excitement around your brand.


The desire to be trendy is always appealing; however, brands should be picky about which trends they participate in.

Don't try to fit every viral TikTok sound or meme format into your content strategy or brand. Priority should be given to catering to your niche and remaining authentic. Don't be afraid to start something from scratch – trends must begin somewhere!

Keeping this in mind, it is all about balancing what's trendy and on-brand for your company.


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