How to Recoup Your Email List from the Holidays

After Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and other holiday sales events in Q4, you may experience a sales slump in Q1.

There is potential to squeeze some more from the spending spree with a New Year sale but statistically, January and February are still the slowest months for retail sales.


This doesn’t mean that you should lay low in exerting effort with your email marketing during those months and wait until business starts to pick up in Q2. 

  • Instead use these slow months to strategically use email to position your brand as a top choice for your audience. A good way to do this is to focus your emails on informational / educational, problem - solution content instead of sending more promotional emails.

  • Remind your audience about why they subscribed and purchased from your brand in the first place. Make them fall in love with you again by reiterating brand values that they resonated with. Think about what value (apart from your products and services) do they get from having business with you and highlight that.

  • As you’re brainstorming all the concepts that you can send your email list during these months, don’t forget to update your segments as well to ensure that you’re sending emails that make sense to your subscribers.


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